Saturday 7 December 2024.

Anxiety is a common fiend within today’s world. Some of us experience it as fairly moderate, others, as rather severe. The unnecessary stress anxiety causes as well as the pervasive thoughts that trigger and stoke anxiety often hinder the serene course of our daily lives, preventing us from accessing and living to our full potential.

But, anxiety is an affliction that can be treated! We can reduce its harmful impact by practicing appropriate relaxation techniques regularly.

In an art-therapy setting, this workshop begins by teaching you a relaxation technique developed by doctors, which is easy to reproduce at home. Thereafter, you deepen and cultivate the feeling of serenity brought about by the previous relaxation by creating artwork using mixed media and painting techniques (acrylic paint/inks, dry and greasy pastels, watercolours, peanuts, colour pencils, collage, etc.). The session ends with a short reinforcement of your positive experience, which can include feedback should you wish to do so.

Group of 2 to 8 people. Beginners welcome.

When: Saturday 7 December 2024
Time : from 10am to 1pm.
Duration: 3 hours
Price: CHF 85. – all material included.
Place: Espace Arts & Expression, rue Saint-Jean 88, 1201 Genève. Public transport: Tram 15 or Bus 1, stop Mercier. Bus 7, stop Ormeaux. Parking: blue areas 3 minutes or pubic parking of the Seujet.
Information from Eurydice 078 696 12 45.