Art-therapy & Creative expression workshop. Saturday 16 November.

As nature prepares to rest throughout the winter, this workshop invites you to stimulate your imagination and its creative sap and produce your own tree of life.

The workshop begins with a guided relaxation/visualisation of about twenty minutes based on the strength and sturdy symbolism of the tree. Thereafter, you will write a few words regarding your experience. This done, you will immerse yourself into creating your Tree of Life, based on your feelings, as well as a choice of inspiring symbolic representations and pictorial techniques (acrylic paint/inks, dry and greasy pastels, watercolors, peanuts, color pencils). The workshop will end with a few lines of synthesis.

The Trees of life, present in many cultures of the world, especially in the Celtic and pre-Christian Germanic traditions often refer to the archetype of the Tree-World, a kind of cosmic tree that connects the terrestrial, underground and celestial parts of the universe. Throughout history and many traditional cultures, Trees of Life often represent the origins of life and the creative life force inherent to it. In their roots and branches are often found figures, plants and/or animals rich of symbols.

When: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Time : from 12 pm to 6 pm.
Duration: 4 hours
Price: CHF 120. – all material included.
Place: Espace Arts & Expression, rue Saint-Jean 88, 1201 Genève. Public transport: Tram 15 or Bus 1, stop Mercier. Bus 7, stop Ormeaux. Parking: blue areas 3 minutes or pubic parking of the Seujet.
Information from Eurydice 078 696 12 45.