Saturday 25 November 2023 from 1.30 to 4.30 pm.

Grounded in a light-hearted spirit, this workshop invites you to sublimate your portrait using art.

Bring a photo of yourself that you can either reproduce on canvas or use as it is (collage) and transform it using the creative process using of mixed media (acrylics, inks, collages, etc.). You’ll seek inspiration in the introspective and expressive efforts of Frida Kahlo to revisit your image following your feelings and imagination.

Indeed, Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits number 55 out of a total of 143 paintings. “I paint myself because I am so often alone, because I am the subject I know best,” said the artist. Thus, she redefined her own subject and, in doing so, allowed the female form to evolve beyond the object of desire, a status in which it is still too often subjugated to.

For who : All levels; beginners welcome.
When : Saturday 25 November 2023 from 1.30 to 4.30 pm
Where : Atelier du Square, rue François-Bonivard, 1201 Genève
Price: Renewable package of 4 classes (4 x 2 hours) CHF 260.-
Material : picture of yourself to bring with you; all other materials provided.